2016 SkaarjFifa ShootBook Soccer World Cup - Copa Mundial SkaarjFifa Futbook 2016

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2016 SkaarjFifa ShootBook Soccer World Cup - Copa Mundial SkaarjFifa Futbook 2016

Post by elucaso »

Hi Dear allies, The Clan Confederacion Sigma we will organize one tournament world cup in unreal our Sport we invented. It the futbook, Sport like football, but with different ways of playing. All are invited.

The tournament is 4v4, which include 1 goalkeeper, one defender, one midfielder and one striker in the field.

If you want to participate do not hesitate to comment here. The headquarters will be in the Sigma Clan Server.

Treat their equipment, we already have our armed him. That great pass

Here is the page with all the information in English --> http://c-s.wikia.com/wiki/2016_SkaarjFi ... _World_Cup

Here is the page with all the information in Spanish --> http://skaarjfifa.es.tl/Copa-Mundial-de ... k-2016.htm

They have until the 4 January in 2016

The Tournament begins the 8 January in 2016

The Tournament Ends the 8 February in 2016

Lucaso Kekulé - Confederacion Sigma

Hola Queridos Aliados, El clan Confederacion Sigma vamos a hacer un torneo mundial en unreal de nuestro querido deporte que inventamos nosotros. Es el Futbook, deporte parecido al futbol, pero con distintas maneras de juego. Estan todos invitados.

El torneo es de 4vs4, que se compone de 1 portero, 1 defensor, 1 mediocampista y 1 delantero en el campo de juego.

Si quieren participar no duden comentar aqui. La SEDE sera en el Servidor Sigma Clan.

Armen sus equipos, nosotros ya tenemos armado el nuestro lol. Que la pasen genial

Aqui esta la pagina con toda la informacion en ingles --> http://c-s.wikia.com/wiki/2016_SkaarjFi ... _World_Cup

Aqui esta la pagina con toda la informacion en españpl --> http://skaarjfifa.es.tl/Copa-Mundial-de ... k-2016.htm

Tienen hasta el 04 de enero de 2016

El torneo comienza el 08 de enero de 2016

El torneo finaliza el 08 de febrero de 2016

Lucaso Kekulé - Confederacion Sigma
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Re: 2016 SkaarjFifa ShootBook Soccer World Cup - Copa Mundial SkaarjFifa Futbook 2016

Post by elucaso »

I see that nobody likes my idea :(
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Re: 2016 SkaarjFifa ShootBook Soccer World Cup - Copa Mundial SkaarjFifa Futbook 2016

Post by strategy-(DOG)- »

well lucaso, i am not sure if so many unreal players are into soccer (i already told you, that i am not). of course i know you south american players are for sure :)
you announced the event and i'd suggest you post as well on oldunreal forum (add the event to the calendar there) and see, who else likes this "gamemode" and will join the event :)

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Re: 2016 SkaarjFifa ShootBook Soccer World Cup - Copa Mundial SkaarjFifa Futbook 2016

Post by elucaso »

Yes :( Nobody likes our idea. Unfortunately we do our best to keep the community alive. But nobody wants, And this tournament we do for fun and that they enjoy. We were counting on your support so that they can participate, Well no matter, Maybe next time my dear allies.

Sorry for wasting your time to you. Lucaso Kekulé --> Clan Confederacion Sigma
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Re: 2016 SkaarjFifa ShootBook Soccer World Cup - Copa Mundial SkaarjFifa Futbook 2016

Post by strategy-(DOG)- »

the problem is, that your idea demands interest in soccer and as a matter of fact most of us just shoot books for fun ;)
your effort to keep the game alive is very much appreciated. but we should think about unreal gamemodes that remaining players of the community enjoy. that'd be dm and coop... some contest using classic unreal game might attract players. the dm contests you initiated within the sigma clan were not public - maybe that could be an idea to think over..? :)
and no, you don't waste anybody's time ;)
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