The Suffering of Our Friends

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The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

I have seen many people who have experienced the harshest of environments and punishments that are hard to listen to.
I have seen people who have suffered the worst of treatments (one of which is Leo's), and how awful is it for many people to see or hear about as well.
I have seen people who suffered from depression, alcoholic usage, drug usage, or even worse: illegal actions.
I have wanted God to help these people get away from these plagues of life before time gets late.

and most importantly:

I will pray to Allah, or God, so that he shall take us away from the plagues of life: Racism, Hate, Sexism, Illegal activity around the world, and War.
I am praying to God that he can stop all of us from what is lying beneath the horrible secrets of the worst lives.
Because Anger, Grief, Mutiny, Racism, Segregation, or even more. While although we cannot remove them completely, we can keep them to a minimum so that they shouldn't cause any more problems.

I haven't experienced any of these except for a few amount of times, but I haven't experienced depression and will NEVER experience it.

I am praying to God that people who are threatened, treated like garbage, are hated by anyone because of their religion, nationality, physical appearance, or any other, shall be backfired from those horrible words coming from filthy human beings who didn't deserve to be here but to learn how to Respect and Love each other.

I will never surrender or give up for myself, for my country, for my people, and for the world, and I shall pray to God so that we could all have a path filled with light so that we could move on and become one of the most loved people of the population!

I will continue to my journey of life and attack what lies right in front of me.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Thank you for writing all this. I hope that people will see the meaning in this for what it is and won't take it too much from their own world view. As in I can imagine someone not understanding what you mean with "attacking what lies in front of me".

I'm not sure if I ever said it on those forums, but I did experience "sensory deprivation" sometime in 2014, they say that some muslim countries do this, to put someone in a completely bright room and the only water they get is in also white cups etc. I've experienced this from the state of netherlands. Not from the middle east. But people won't likely believe that this happens.

In the end I couldn't hear my own thoughts, I couldn't hear myself, there was just nothing anymore. And I went with whatever someone told me to do. No matter what. It was terrible.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:16 pm As in I can imagine someone not understanding what you mean with "attacking what lies in front of me".

Hmm... Good point, Leo.
What I really meant was "attacking what lies in front of me" is "attacking what stops my journey and will fight against it no matter what."

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:16 pm they say that some muslim countries do this, to put someone in a completely bright room and the only water they get is in also white cups etc. I've experienced this from the state of netherlands. Not from the middle east.

It didn't happen with my country, but I guess that these people who do have sensory deprivation are being trained so that they could try to find the things they need in any possible matter. So that next time they try to find something, they can easily try to move and look around, I don't know if I'm right though.

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:16 pm In the end I couldn't hear my own thoughts, I couldn't hear myself, there was just nothing anymore. And I went with whatever someone told me to do. No matter what. It was terrible.

We all have a purpose of helping the other brother/sister so that they could feel better, and I may help you, but I'm not sure if this will give you advantage, at least I will try.

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:16 pm Thank you for writing all this. I hope that people will see the meaning in this for what it is and won't take it too much from their own world view. As in I can imagine someone not understanding what you mean with "attacking what lies in front of me".

You're welcome, Leo, I wrote all of this for everybody, involving you.
I'm blessed to become a person of myself, and I'm blessed that I have a society that makes me feel like home, and I'm wishing that you'll find one in the near future. Just patience could help, and maybe try to see the issues, I'm sure you'll find a solution for those problems.
But I just couldn't believe that your mother betrayed you! Perhaps her anger was out of nowhere! I'm hoping that God will change everything soon, brother.

I've seen one of your topics involving a doctor who was talking with his filthy mouth and is a Muslim. I don't even think that's how a proper Muslim acts towards other people who are struggling to have something they want. If I were his place, I would immediately help you no matter what.

Hopefully your blessings and your wishes grant before your eyes fast and easy.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

The thing is back in the 2000s I was diagnosed with "munchhausen syndrome by proxy". The proxy was supposed to be my mother. I learned or was conditioned to trust her, but she is unlike any mother. That's the problem. Or part of her might be genuine and caring, the other one wants to hurt people bad.

And she calls me almost each day these times when I am not physically with her. And with most of the things that went bad in my life, apart from me there was one common thing: her.

She wanted me to switch schools only for me to be bullied on the new one, etcetera, she went with me to that municipal building where the incident happened that I was being prosecuted with.

She pulls conspiracy cards and "what do these people see in you? you are just someone disabled, why do they want to hurt you, you are nothing" to which I countered that I am not nothing. Etc. There was something sinister about what she said.

Oh also, the taxi driver that attacked me, she called him in the first place not me. Because I was in subway so I couldn't use the phone.

And how do I know she really is my mother? On the photos she showed me that it was her, long ago she just looks there like her cousin. I identified "her" as such there.

But now? She doesn't have anything "natural" on her so it's hard to even say if it's really her but maybe that's just paranoia. She uses tons of makeup, etc. She lacks real eyebrows/eyelashes though she claimed to me it started growing again. Thing is I didn't notice a change when I last saw her IRL though. She used fake ones before.

So, this is so complex and I am struggling for days to sort out my own mind. How can you know she's not lying if she has mastered such skills? Often people then suspect me of lying because of her, especially if I start to show my fear and we all know that even lie detectors can detect something as lie if one isn't entirely in control and fears of what others are thinking of him at the moment...
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I'm just swimming in a river of lies, being pushed into this or that decision without having an option to refuse. I am sick of it. Literally. My stomach just had enough and I probably suffered some neural damage in the process. I don't have belief in the justice system or anything anymore.

I want to be free. I need to be. Otherwise it's no life for me. Otherwise I'm as dead as empty as all those countless of blank souls.

All of it was just a convenient lie including that label, you know it's both I realize. The system is corrupt and my mom goes with it and pushes me into directions I don't want. But do I have a choice? Do I have any guarantees? No I don't.

I feel sick of "having to plead". That's not who I am or am supposed to be.

And I'm being told if I accept the defeat, if I give in, they'll come back for me because they'll have on record I accepted something.

I will not bend. Not ever again.

It's all about accepting the lies or mottos isn't it? Well, count me out of life then.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Despite what I said about justice, I decided to go to the local police for advice. After all it's almost a different country where I am now. It is different kind of police.

So...despite their disbelief they did give me some good advice, so Epsilon's praying might have helped.

These are good cops that have trouble believing that all this mess could have happened somewhere especially in Prague.

So all in all it does turn out it is a conspiracy after all. I couldn't prove everything to the police here but after I get the documents of the police from prague, I will be able to point out I did not sign what they claimed I signed.

People are using some of my memory problems as a weapon but this is not the case. So my mom didn't really betray me, she didn't know what she was doing and was desperate.

What I did now calmed her down.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I suppose I made some mistakes in that syndrome terminology, but whatever, it was nonsense either way. All of those labels and diagnoses just to cover something up, to cover they were messing with me.

That's the truth. They tried to confuse me so many times with this all. I won't give it to them. I will not subject to the wills of liars/cabals.

EDIT: Technically, of course, who's heard of a judge arranging something over phone? I should wait for official response.

Also, they said that I shouldn't ever...go to this all by myself alone. Yea right but the lawyer did absolutely nothing...then they suggest I change the lawyer etc. With all those corrupt lawyers over there? It's a mess.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I know this is getting tiring. Especially for me. I realized I have a false memory. I remembered the correct one later. I don't know how this works but when I spoke to my mom yesterday evening she told me something that happened on the police station that day. Well, I pictured it immediately and took it as memory of my own. But then the real one popped up and hers changed quite a bit details.

Is this normal? I mean if she still has sinister intentions she might want me to tell the false side of the story. Or she might just have faulty memory herself. Which one is it? How can I be ever sure?

EDIT: Nevermind really. I need to get that off my mind because otherwise I'll keep coming back to suspicions which aren't really in place.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I stood up firmly to a neighbor after being accused of "littering" the place and other bs that other people actually do to me. I basically just cleaned the hall a couple of days ago and they try to give me extra work.

Then the "s***head" who's a cop also comes down bragging and listening to the "reporter monitor" guy downstairs who reports on every little thing and complained to him that I banged on the door of the neighbor and shouted.

The neighbor told me she didn't do it(so if she didn't lie it was the other one), that the only thing she complained was that I kept opening windows in the hall. I told her that I only did that during the summer and that if she doesn't believe I DON'T BLOODY CARE!

I'm moving to a house as soon as possible, really had it with the socialistic flats like these.
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I am starting to think that most of these "people" are artificially created. These same types also think that even drinking chlorine won't harm them, even in the cleaning form. And they use too much of it in general.

And perhaps it won't harm them, but it sure will harm nature. Perhaps they are really made, all these people have in common that they usually agree to be sent to a certain hospital, which is the hospital where I had the most problems because it is the main one of the region. This might sound like paranoia, but how the hell would this happen, if those people even think that you can just pour it into water source. Do they have immunity to chlorine? And why are they all, all of them are cold vulnerable. Like really cold vulnerable.

They all tend to have the same reactions too and the worst thing is, perhaps I was beginning to be like them circa 2010 or so. I'm different now and I have a ton of other problems/issues. But there just has to be explanation. Either they are that stupid and are harming themselves, or they are like what they show in the x-files, those "alien addled" people who can breathe underwater, are cloned etc, supersoldier projects (such things do exist IRL though).

So, how is it? Btw I hate the "neo" x-files completely. Mulder most of the time acts like one of those in the new series and he doesn't even twitch an eye or really try to put a stop to the experiments going on. It's completely against the character as was early concieved. Or he was a psychopath all along.

But I guess either way, they are all "processed" that even if they wouldn't agree they can't do anything against the system.

EDIT: Acording to some people, the czech republic as a whole has unusually high percentage of artificial supersoldiers. Of course not stated as such in the public, it being somehow more covert than what the DOD has been doing in the US.
That in statistics they might make up 50 percent of the population.

They use those hospitals primarily, they mask something as "normal procedure" so public doesn't suspect anything.

They require you to do a lot of brain scanning etcetera and then they can also use it in the nearby supercomputer center. Apart from the fact that these supercomputers have been until recently, hidden from the sight of public, they basically, over there, despite it not being the capital of czech republic, calculate traffic for most of the cars etc.

But those computers are most likely used for number of other things, namely simulations based on brain scans to predict certain events.

This would coincede with the strange message from my grandfather's brother who died already in the late 90s and supposedly said to my grandmother that "they have those supercomputers, they can see/know everything".

That's a bit strange coming from someone who has been an engineer and a "proper citizen" for years and years and had some powerful connections.

I am not afraid of speaking out about this because someone just HAS TO.

It's all like they say "the matrix" etc, except it's a lot less contrived than what the movie showed and in fact could be rather more similar to the origin of that idea, the matrix from doctor who.

It's like all of that somehow creeps into popular media and masks themselves and then people who share real stories will get branded as loonies, because it must be from some TV show, right?!
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Re: The Suffering of Our Friends

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I posted that last post in November 2017. Now recently there has been apparently an episode of the X-Files about the topic of the "servers" or more like, supercomputers, that can store minds of people. Look up episode "This".

Is "This" a coincidence now? It seems to take a lot of what I theorized into account, except making it a little incoherent. I believe they at least need a full brain scan before they would be able to upload a mind of someone or use it in a test of precognitive means, as in predicting that person's behavior while he is still living etc.

So I think the use of it only after the person's death is BS, however you cannot just ignore all what I wrote about before. I believe that at least one third of that story is true in some form, I mean of the televized episode.
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