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Amazing video - Recreation of Nyleve

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:52 am
by AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)-
Have you guys seen this? :O :O :O
It's a recreation of Nyleve Falls with a very realistic, very high quality 3D animation.

Re: Amazing video - Recreation of Nyleve

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:11 pm
by VooDoo-(DOG)-
Yes - WOW!

I didn't read the description at first and actually thought it was real!

I wonder if Ludvík Koutný will make more?


Re: Amazing video - Recreation of Nyleve

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:08 pm
by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)-
This recreation done on the Unreal Engine 4 is Unreal as always, but I'm really familiar with the scenario the creator used, which is the Beta version of the NyLeve's Falls (A.K.A The NyLeve Tomb on my upcoming theory).

Which means that once you exit the wrecked beast, which is the UMS 254 Vortex Rikers, you will see the mountain right in front of you.

Awesomely made by this creator and props to him!

Best Regards. :)


Re: Amazing video - Recreation of Nyleve

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:08 am
by Leo(T.C.K.)
This is not on the Unreal Engine 4. It can be imported there but you won't get this realistic stuff on it, he said what renderers he used. This is solely custom renderers for 3dsmax alone. No Unreal Engine used (yet).

Either way...what do you mean by the beta? This looks like the release version in layout, unless you mean something else (care to show me what?), or are you refering to a version of the map seen in some trailers? Cuz there were at least two more apart from the leaked beta.

And...well this looks film quality like its in some alien movie by Ridley Scott, but the trees etc look too "Earthly" to be really Unreal imo.

Okay so this is AlienReal directed by Ridley Scott and starring Hilary Shepard and Russel Crowe as the main protagists (prisoners) aboard Vortex Rikers.

Re: Amazing video - Recreation of Nyleve

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:36 am
by Dr.Flay
It looks awesome, but I have 2 complaints.
1) What is it with bendy trees in games ? The trunk should be static and the branches move.
2 ) Without a gable-end the roofs on those huts have no support and would collapse. From the front very nice, but from the side, how is that still up ?

Any "realism" gets broken by small things like that

Re: Amazing video - Recreation of Nyleve

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:23 pm
by Leo(T.C.K.)
To be honest, depending on the tree type of course, some do bend during the wind, and some more so if its especially strong wind. And given this is alien planet that's the least thing bothering me.

Re: Amazing video - Recreation of Nyleve

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:48 am
by x21
There's also a version of nyleve in cryengine