This is the end

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This is the end

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Things are coming to an end for me. I have revealed big things, recalled memories which basically confirm that I've been abducted at some point.

There were people I never "knew" in them that held me hostage as a kid near a living room table and possibly caused the scars I have on inside of my mouth from as long as I remember, because they pulled the knife out, threatened me and I blacked out.

I want to tell you all that no violence approach is never going to solve anything, despite where the world is heading. Full of lies.

My life, it's all fake, constructed, I've been just an experiment as part of the "stb" involvement. They will not want to admit any of this and it might be even a little more complex, but this is what's on the bottom of this.

I need to urgently get out of this. They have set the traps for me, first with that case that I would for sure end up having probation. Now they are surprised that it didn't work, they were really surprised that I had a clean slate, that I wasn't formally accused.

The velvet revolution was a smoke-screen and the stb workers should have been hanged. They remained in high functions and some regions are still chock full of them.

They monitor people, find out who seems to be the biggest threat, who is the most intelligent, that's why they single out the most intelligent kids in class that are threat to the system. When the berlin wall fell it went both ways and because there wasn't a violent revolution, those guys still sit at high places, enjoying their power and coffee and how they can without evidence turn into something that sounds bulletproof.

It's funny, truly. There's just no point at where they stop.
I am becoming bigger and bigger target by the very minute.

Yes I have PTSD. But that doesn't mean I am a lying bastard. For this once excuse my language. As this is important.

They are abusing anything I might have. Ideally I would have been way lobotomized by them.

Unfortunately, it seems like the US have been heading into similar direction from reports of some people. Really, isn't it amazing how this global interconnected world makes everyone not able to fight, to believe in that great lie of "being grateful for everything you get, be glad nuclear bomb didn't fall to your house tomorrow, keep your head low, don't say what you think, think before you think" do I need to go on?

As I said it made ways for the "new ways" to develop that are not really new, just are the ways for the socialism to rule everything, to blind people further to what's truly happening. Just happily give your data away, our latest TV shows promotes it and shows how it's great, seeeeee???? *GETS BLINDED BY FLASHES OF KOOL AID* sorry for turning so dramatic for a second, but I had to demonstrate a bit

I might be a bit extreme in some ways, but that's what happens when you wake up to all the pretenses.
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Re: This is the end

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I've been in front of "commision" today, it was in practice like a mini-court. Everything was recorded.

I was asked to say first if I have any suspicion of anyone in the commision being biased and w...sorry I'm having a blackout.

I can't take it. I keep hearing fragments in my mind now as result of everything, not JUST...oh please. I...I need to stabilize?

But why do I hear not only things from my memories but things that might have happened during an earlier period at a specific time. I'm.. a jackplug. no.

This is probably making me look embarassing. It's too much stress.
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Re: This is the end

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I solved another thing. I know who one of the "hatmen" is. A former stb member called "Antonin Zeman".

He used to live in the flats opposite to me. I checked the stb database/archives now to confirm this. Things are getting real. It was all one big mess/stb experiment. The shadow people too. Perhaps even stuff crept into british tv shows like doctor who. It might all be part of a big lie/deception. Stuff just got real.

All those agents etc, compare it to all those time lords and everything and their nicknames. Fake deaths, names etc.

This "hatman" was also wearing a cane, reminiscent of Moriarty etc. He once threatened me when I was a kid and was agressive/fought my mom even.

But how come he appeared in my recent dream being composed entirely of black particles? What are those? Do they become like that for their crimes after death or is it something else? Is it experiments/time/dimension travel? Or is it simply just an illusion? What is the explanation for all this?

I'm close to it all now.
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Re: This is the end

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I got the answers I wanted. This brings my life to nearly full circle.

I solved the real reason for my ptsd or so it seems. But that makes me want to die.

No longer with anger. I feel like I could peacefuly fade away. I cannot take back the life that could have been.

Because I would still need to keep everything I know now a secret. And I don't think I could do so well. They would find out sooner or later through psychology that there is something I am hiding. Not remembering is one thing, but actively having to hide something is another.

EDIT: Maybe if I die, a "proper timeline" will take place where that certain event never happened. I guess I might be the reason the "shadow people" existed.
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Re: This is the end

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

It feels bad to be the only one knowing the truth now. I know with what family I've been switched with.

And I know damn well that if I try to take my original life back, and switch the position with the one that stole my life, I will be prosecuted elsewhere and my real mother is most likely still sitting in jail for the actions of that guy. I don't know this later part for absolutely sure, but I've never been closer in my conclusions.

It has been living hell for me and I honestly wish that everyone who's responsible will get their share of punishment soon.

Leo out....
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