Thanks for all the games

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Thanks for all the games

Post by species8472 »

It has been a while since I have posted here and just as long since I have been playing any games. Still, there hasn't been a single day I have thought about it. The purpose of posting now is to tell everyone thank you for all of the 1000's of games in the last dozen or so years. In a way I would like to know how many games and frags that would total but then I remember when it used to be several hours every day for years and I think I really don't want to know.

Time really does zip by in a hurry. I remember many, many nights when Mr. Sparky and I were the only ones in the server. That was probably a decade ago even though it seems like a year or so. Those were the days when most people still had dial-up including me with my 26,400 bps which I was forced to use until last year. It wasn't long after cable was finally strung here that some health problems started totally preventing me from playing. In the last 8-9 months I have only managed to get in a game now and again. Part of the problem is an addiction to the game which meant I always ended up playing too long at a time making my condition worse.

Since then I have considered myself on the disabled list. Lately reality has been setting in and I think it is time to call myself retired. It is a sad day for me. I will still try to get a game whenever I can but that looks like it will be increasing rare.

Unreal is the only game I have ever played so I am not defecting. This is the only online communtiy I have ever considered myself part of and I do feel bad about not keeping up my part of it. I have had so many good times playing with most of the people here and I am greatful for every single one. I would like to mention many of you individually but I know I would forget to list some if I started. The coop games are always fun but DM is where my true love of the game is. I still have dreams on a weekly basis where I am actually in the games.

THANK YOU for all the good times.

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Re: Thanks for all the games

Post by »

Retirement from unreal :D, that is very well said !

U do know that there is a secret server rule nr 6 ? No ?
Well, it goes something like this: "People who retire from active playing unreal have to keep an eye on the forum and say Hi once a while."

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Re: Thanks for all the games

Post by OoiGooEE »

Doesn't mean you can't spectate once in a while either ;) Don't you dare uninstal :evil:

Hope to see you soon :)

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