Increase in bad players.

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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by £éè£å-(DOG)- »

To all Players, with or without a tag

Racism, religious or sexual discrimination will not be tolerated.
Think three times before you type something like that into your console.
It will end up in a permanent ban.
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

Now I wish you where there so you could have seen it.
That way it would have been one less head ache.

Just a reminder, it's not the first time he is being stereotypical or even racist.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by GoodOleTaco »

This mexiacan loves racists...the give me the opportunity to bring out the full power of...THE SAUCE!!! :D :D :D

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by Rubicon-(DOG)- »

W3RM(Woof) wrote:Jesus under one of his many names, said something stereotype/racist. (Not the first time either.)
There where admins in the server yet they did not act, I am suprised racism is allowed.
I lost my cool because once again, Jesus is sticking his nose in things he has nothing to do with.
Lemon shot me I told him I did not like that, Jesus starts bitching at me.

Both guilty but he was pushing it, suprised he did not get booted or even banned.
I did never take the word RACIST in my mouth and will never do this even type it, you should be a bit more social and never say to me again I'm a farmer I do my best for all members of the [DOG] Family
I respect them I do try to read the rules and chats it’s not normal that you launch my name into this forum, this is wy I did changed, it’s for the first time in my whole life someone did force me to do so!
By the way listen to the advices given by admins ! You can talk about me and my real name is below I do not have secrets anymore after all those years I'm born on 23 September 1956 the year when the EXPO did take place in Brussels! I do have 4 kids and a beautiful woman match younger then me

kind regards,
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

You have said stereotype/racist things in the past and still do.
I have never called you a farmer why would I even do that?
You have no right to tell me what to do.
And some other things in your post that have nothing to do with all of this.
What it all comes down to is this, you are stereotypical and slightly racist.
Your the one that needs to change, I respect people and you say you do too but I don't see it.
How come? Because of your stereotype/racist comments.
Why is it not normal that I put your name down here? I don't see anything wrong with it seeing it's your ingame name not your real name.
I do listen to the admins but you pushed me over the edge yesterday, you where the one pushing it further.

+ Everyone has secrets, it will end up biting you in the BUTT if you say you don't have any secrets.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by Master_Unreal »

To end all confusion that other people have not really seen, Here's my view on this entire thing, from the start, and my thought's and idea's on this

Day One, you come in, everyone is playing, blah blah blah, then asking without ending starts coming up, that's ok, you did not know this before, but after being told several times, you decide the rules need to be changed, after the argument about that, you and W3RM did not get along from then. I think I can say other people have heard this, when I say that you have said, a few times actually, in different forms

"You will never be considered a part of the DOG family"

Since then, its just been random arguments, stuff from out of nowhere, especially like yesterday, lemon shot W3RM into the end, he got a bit mad because one, not everyone was ready, two, he knew better, while this situation is not involving you whatsoever, you decide to butt in, "are we having problems again, W3RM?" from what I could tell, w3rm was not in the mood, and politely told you its not your business, then I had left and went to work on my map, after which W3RM had told me this was said by you

"I hate people in the netherlands they are so dumb and stupid"

Stereotypical? I'm not sure on that, because I don't know many dutch people. Racist? sounds a lot like it to me

I wouldn't expect anyone to do this, and I do not think this now. but if I didn't know any better I would think you are trying to drive him out of the server

W3RM did not attack you in anyway, I don't think he ever has in the start of each argument, he just told you his opinion, he didn't want you in the mist of the trouble with lemon. From what I've seen overtime, about half the time an argument starts, its because you decide its necessary, when in actuality, it was not at all. He never forced you to change, all that's been happening is that you were creating problems for yourself, by throwing more pressure on W3RM, and essentially causing an argument.

I've never had any ill will towards you, I still don't, I just think sometimes it gets a bit crazy for no absolute reason

This is the whole thing from my eyes and my opinion on this

I hope all this can get cleared up and we can have fun and play again, like it was when I first came here.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by Oldsparky »

I find all this bickering and whining discouraging. The server rules and the DOG code applies in these and similar cases. The over zealous younger Dogs should let the administrators do their job, bring it to there attention discretely and then keep quiet about it. There are always mis-understandings about what is meant or said due to the international nature of the players on the server. There is also the possibility of more than one player using the same players name. I advise you all to calm down and play unreal and leave your personalities out of it. There needs to be more tolerance and understanding by all parties concerned in this instance and that will end this. It is not the DOG way to attack players verbally in the servers,, The admins will handle players breaking the server rules. This stuff does not belong in the server and will not be tolerated. That is all I have to say about this particular instance. I consider the matter closed till further infractions are observed and acted on by an admin. I urge calm and patience be the mainstay on the servers. You have all read the posts about the admin roles and the care we use before taking action. These problems of complaining on the server about perceived problems makes the admins job much more difficult. The people that do all the whining and complaining during play are just as much a problem as the person breaking the rules. This makes it very difficult for the admins to determine what actually is taking place at the time and who is to blame and what action to take :shock: .

I stand committed to the DOG CODE and the server rules which have served us well for over 11 years. They will be enforced.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by Rubicon-(DOG)- »

I can agree with wath has been posted , a ***NEW START*** can do alot!
I hope on it for the future... :)


remember i'm not stereotype and not a racist!!!!
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

TomKatRebel-(DOG)- wrote:Ok, this post I find kind of annoying. W3rm have you ever considered that the reason you are dealing with more and more bad players lately is down to your own bad attitude. Did you even read my post on bad doggies, you should, as it was in regards to you. You waltz around the servers acting like an admin, telling both players and admins alike what they should and shouldn't do. It was only last night you instructed me that I should ban a player. So let's clear something up, you are NOT an admin in newbies servers, and DO NOT make admin decisions so it high time you stopped acting as though you were!

Newbies admins are the best, and the best don't act on hearsay or on impulse. Just because your yells of 'Bad Player' receives no response from an admin it doesn't mean it has fallen on deaf ears. More-so they are taking time out of their precious game time to observe said players before acting.

If an admin was to ban every player for every bad move they made, there would be no players left to play in the servers. Some players need a permanent ban, whereas others, are just ignorant to the servers ways, and a little gentle persuasion from an admin is all that is needed to turn these bad players into great players. Knowing which course of action would work best on a particular player takes time, lots of time.

So W3rm, maybe it's time you stopped complaining about bad admins and bad players and looked more closely at your own attitude towards the game and it's players, before your bad behavior finds you on that ban list.
I have read 3 lines and stopped reading.
That should say enough. :)

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by GoodOleTaco »

I believe the big dog said to stop and calm down. I think he was very clear on everything he Im looking thread. You want to continue with the bickering,..take it the boss. It aint gonna happen here under my watch. Woofers 8)