Place Theories Part I

Theories related to UNREAL, e.g. characters, items, weapons, places,...
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Place Theories Part I

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

Student Epsilon Here! :D

I've thought about making a "Place Theories" for you to see everyone! So here I am, doing what must be done.

Let's do it...

Har'berana Sky Haven/Na Pali Haven:
The Har'berana Sky Haven, or known as the Sky Town, is one of the most sacred places found in the middle level atmosphere of Na Pali. The Nali made it as a Haven so that they could be safe from the Skaarj, which they refer to as "Sky Demons."
The Nali also have their own Church which they pray on for help of the Planet's sake. And they think that the White Moon is a sacred eye from Gra'na, the Nali Earth Goddess. Scientists have recently researched about this Sky Haven and found out that the Sky Haven was an extra Tarydium Keeper like the Sunspire, which the Tarydium rays attract the Sunspire's Tarydium rays, keeping the Haven up in the sky, floating.
Of course since this is a town, the Har'berana has houses built all around the surface.

Kraneros X:
Kraneros X, or the Krall Post Homeworld, is one of the visible Homeworlds found in Na Pali's Sky. As a neighbor to Gryphon 4-a, the Planet has one Red Moon which is supposed to look like a planet, when in fact it's a moon supporting the gravity of Kraneros X to make it float. The Krall after the Krall-Gharos War went with their rock ships to this planet without the ships crashing into the planet. The Krall, with all of their materials found, built posts, fortresses, castles for their tribes, and houses to live on. But having knights for them was mandatory for all of the Krall. And as the Skaarj approached Kraneros X, they have taken most of the Krall as Slaves when they conquered the Krall Lightning Clan. And so the Krall Post Homeworld became a memory for most of the Krall. The Nali refer to this planet as the Sacred Eye of Gra'na.

Xanith-8 Prometheus:
Xanith-8 Prometheus, known as Xanith-8 is the mostly known Homeworld of the Necrotis. It houses all of the missing in action fighters, even native fighters. Krall, Brutes, Nali, Mercenary, Skaarj, or even Humans have become either mutated or augmented to become fighters that would look like the undead. As the Necrotis use Antidotes and Technology to destroy the natural behavior of the fighters, limbs look like they're sharp, bleeding eyes and noses but still have pupils, which would look bloodshot due to overdose of antidotes. Even most of their Body Parts would look black.
native Fighters, on the other hand, look like Humans with tusks, red eyes, Spider Legs, And Four Arms, Two Claws and Two Human Limbs. While Gladiators are much larger and have different looks.

That shall be the end of my first Place Theories and we shall come to the next theory soon.

Best Regards. :)

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Re: Place Theories Part I

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I have two questions. Are Necrotis related in any way to the UT Necris or perhaps some of the early Unreal stuff? In Unreal alphas many characters had this pale white/grey skin. Including the first bigman/skaarj and even the original woman and that weird male character I used to call "Kaal" with those goggles.

Not sure if you're any familiar with these. Fact is, voodoo's supposed to have an early '96 beta or alpha of Unreal, which is supposed to have the very original brute (bigman with the insect like eyes). That's the only brute skin historically that's missing. (there was only half a remake of it called the littleman) And the OTHER WIZARD as I'm keen to call him.

Apologies to voodoo but I might as well say it here (I think it's fine). Though someone else wants to release it. Not going to say details about that though Maci did spread the story around already before. I remember when Delacroix suddenly contacted me saying that the beta is now in hands of "playername" and that Maci told him and I had to tell him that I already knew this.

Fact is, perhaps the Wizard has relation to the "Necrotis". Could you somehow tie it into your mythology? There are also the two Unreal novels which do enrich the Unreal mythos a little more and reveal there was an ancient race, originally unnamed but in the novel revealed to be "Dranoel" that are practically like the Space Jockeys from the alien franchise. They are also described having pale skin but blueish. If you played the Unreal PSX demo, the AI "Iris", the blue woman, is partly that or was partly created by them.

Unreal PSX combined elements of the Unreal developement/novel stories together though it also made it a spinoff game, with my rework I made little changes to tie it a little more with the novels/regular game proper.
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Re: Place Theories Part I

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

Thank you for that question, Leo.

Basically Iris was supposedly a missing Inuit Corporation fighter pilot who was actually Kira's Teammate. But after the "Elipilix Cascade," She was captured by a few Necrotis who were actually stealthy.
The Necrotis are humanoids, but half of their population are "Necris-like Humanoids."
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Re: Place Theories Part I

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

That's not what I asked for. Iris has her own backstory and now enhanced in unreal psx rework (I'm revealing it in Episode 1 part 2, still to be released).

Fact is I asked what you think about the fact that a lot of the unreal alpha characters are pale and whether they are related to Dranoel in some way or whether the Wizards are in any way related too.

The Wizard was created in the fantasy era but transitioned even a little bit into the scifi/fantasy combined era.

The Monk Statues in Unreal are based off his apperance. They are not Nali and they are scary if you look closer.

While the wizard pawn has said to eventually evolved into creation of the Nali as themselves, its clear that the Monks/Wizards weren't really the Nali.

They seemed to have some kind of ominous force and it was even hinted that there could be a potential boss battle in the planned expansion pack, repurposing the wizard as a "wizard of oz character", kinda in-joke there.

The Dranoel were responsible for creating even the Skaarj gods ultimately. The gods they believed in and worshipped, not knowing what they truly were or perhaps only selected few.

The reason Nali Prophet had his visions of future and became a prophet, was because of an advanced AI that could operate outside of known perception/time/space. It was ultimately created by the ancient race, in the novel revealed as Dranoel.
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Re: Place Theories Part I

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

Ah I see, but then again: Not everything I include in my theories has to do something with canon-based stories of Unreal.
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Re: Place Theories Part I

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Yes, but I'm interested how you would explain the presence of the wizards for example. I'm curious. "Wizard" could just be a nickname though their real name would be different.

Who are they and what do they want? How do they tie into the Unreal lore and why are there statues of them?

Do they have some kind of psychic/spiritual connection with the Dranoel or is it something else?
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Re: Place Theories Part I

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

All mysteries remain unanswered.
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