Unreal Editor 2 tutorials on Youtube

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Unreal Editor 2 tutorials on Youtube

Post by VooDoo-(DOG)- »

Does anyone know if the person who uploaded these excellent UED2 tutorials on Youtube also plays Unreal 1?

I cannot remember how I found this link, but these tutorials are really great and concise and have been much help. I refuse to join GooTube to thank this person, because GooTube now requires my mobile telephone number to join and that's a big no-no for me. :)

Also I love Meerkats, so this channel got my attention immediately. Hope it may prove useful for a few others.

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Re: Unreal Editor 2 tutorials on Youtube

Post by Javix »

Yes is very good, I just learned something in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoIEvXnhfIk
Can be used to build terrain

Re: Unreal Editor 2 tutorials on Youtube

Post by gamerz31w »

Are there gonna be any new YouTube video tutorials of how to add or swap new playable characters in Unreal Gold or rather change weapons even in Unreal Tournament GOTY character skins(textures),please? I mean also or rather articles on Old Unreal Wiki? Would it be kind of like in Unreal Engine/Editor 4,but little bit in more slightly different way?
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