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Re: Well Kim,A Year Has Passed

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:19 am
by Wisdom(DOG)
Oh so true, awesome poem John. I find that when one door closes, many more open. And to me the best way in which one should be remembered is by their legacy and it would seem yours lives on, through you and your family, and through us as your friends. A persons life is like a pebble thrown into a pond and the ripples that it creates, eventually the whole pond is effected in one way or another. My father passed away in 1980, and to this day, I reflect on the interactions I had with him and the effects he had on my life to make me who I am today. It, to me, is the true measure of a person's life, how many one can effect in a positive manor. So feel comfort in knowing that we go on carrying that with us. This Has Been....