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Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:04 pm
by [IMA]turok_um
I wish life would just settle down for me...Just found out today my daughter and her boyfriend will be moving out,,,I thought all the stress was gone for me for a bit but i guess not,,,,All i can say is life sucks,,,,

Re: Life

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:09 pm
by Masterman
Kim, even though I haven't really fully known your past history, nor you for very long, I realize you are a very strong person. I can tell you are very depressed, and I can tell you I know how you feel. For awhile there after I got over my drug addiction (for about a year) I was horribly depressed. I was anti-social, had no motivation and even had breif thoughts of just ending it. What I can tell you is that only time will produce better things for you. Pills, they don't work. The best thing to do is to be open with people about your feelings. Trust me, they will listen and most will want to listen. Holding your feelings in is the worst thing to do. Talk to your people you are comfortable with and freinds about it (we are on TS everynight).

Also, you really need to travel somewhere and just relax and forget about your current situation with where you live. I can't believe you have never traveled outside of Canada. I know money is an issue, but the investment is well worth it.

Things will get better, but it will take time. However, sitting in front of your computer most of your free time is not a good thing and will make it worse. Get outside, get some sun, EXERCISE (I have found this to be one of the best methods for lifting spirits).

As John said last night, it might be bad, but it can always be worse.

Anyways, I am always available to listen to you, and even if I don't have an answer, the fact that you got it out of your system is beneficial.

I'll see you in TS or in the game. :D

Re: Life

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:09 pm
by Little Daisy Sunshine
As Louis said, excercise is huge for helping this, but I know you cannot go outside, especially right now.

I use one of these at home. Now you can do alot with it and its fun. For example, my 'lazy' but fun excercise
is sitting on the ball, bouncing.... listening to music I have on the computer. It sounds funny, but you can
actually get a good and fun workout that way. Its a great way to relieve stress. :-)


and they are cheap. :D