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Please remember Neda

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:45 pm
by Little Daisy Sunshine
On February 22, 1770, eleven year Christopher Snider was killed in Boston during a protest against what were considered unfair import duties on British products. He was killed by random gunfire that occurred during the protest. Popular anger over his death culminated two weeks later on March 5th in the "Boston Massacre" which was followed by the famous battle of Concord Bridge, the first pitched battle of the Revolutionary War.
Although it is impossible to know why Christopher was there, we do know why Neda was where she was when her life was ended by a bullet. She believed in elections that fairly and honestly represented the will of her fellow Iranians. She believed in this strongly enough to place herself in jeopardy to demonstrate her support.
This group has been formed so that the price she paid for her beliefs will not be forgotten by the world at large. Through your support, her family, friends, neighbors and fellow Iranians will know that we have not forgotten about her and the thousands of people she represents. ... m=6d54c0aa

Re: Please remember Neda

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:52 pm
by Little Daisy Sunshine
Iran Election June 20, 2009 A girl shot by a basij member in Kargar Ave, Tehran Iran