Increase in bad players.

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Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

Players that shoot other players while they know the rules end maps etc.
I'm no longer playing when these people are in, the admins are not taking it serious it seems.
^ I have only seen Kami take real action against players that ignore the rules, now that's what I call an admin.
I noticed that there are a lot of new admins, yet the problem of players ignoring the rules has been stronger than ever.
If a player ignores the rules warn them once, if they do it again kick them, and if they do it again ban them for 100+ maps. (imo)
That gets me to the next subject which is related to the first.
Players that have been banned multiple times and some that get around their ban.
^ Players like this should be ip banned, to me it's clear that they will not learn, so why give them more than 2 chances?
+ Pretty sure I forgot some things, but meh I don't care anymore, having a bad day.
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by £éè£å-(DOG)- »

Hi :)

Of course it is annoying when you have players on the server doing crap, yep and often it's very frustrating too. Admins do not ignore it, but it's not always easy to make the right decisions.
Since I'm admin, there were problem players on the server. That was in the past, it is now and it will be in the future. It's a thing you can't avoid 'cause it's a public server, everyone can join.

To ban a player is easy said, but it is really the last thing I do. I don't like to ban a player and do it only if it's absolutly necessary. In most cases I start with low ammount of mapchanges, like 20, 50 or 100, that depends on each single case. Later, when these players are back and starting the same things again they'll get more.
Pban is another thing. You can count the ammount I used it at one hand. It must be a real bad case when I use it. For example very agressive attitude and insulting players or admins very badly.

One thing you mentioned is the get around a ban. I mean a player who is banned and join the server from another PC with a different IP. In that case I cannot simply ban him again because I just have not enough informations. Imagine I banned a player and he visits a friend and join the server from his PC. If I would ban him again, I would ban his friend too who is maybe absolutly innocent. I can not know it.

Please have a little patience with the admins, they haven't an easy job and on a full server it's not always possible to see everything. When I notice a problem I look for a nice corner and change my view to this player. This way I can see very clearly if a player for example shooting others intentionally or by accident. One thing I really don't like is shooting others from lifts or into lava. In these cases I really have not much patience and a short fuse. I think that's not funny. Players who doing it, get a restart and warning, but if they repeat it, be sure it's a ban.

A new admin cannot be perfect right from the first day, especially when he never did it before. I remember when I became one. I had to learn lots of things and it took quite a while to become familiar with it. In the beginning Sparky and Jackal helped me many times when I wasn't sure how to handle things and I'm still learning. That's the curse of being admin, you cannot please everyone at any time. We can only try to do our best.


Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by GoodOleTaco »

I promise to be in Co-Op a bit each night..but if needed..You can find me on the MM Inf server, on Xfire (User. jmorhy) or send me a message to Facebook..also you can email me (

I do agree its not easy, fun or enjoyable to admin..cuts down on precious play time and takes the fun out of the game. Over the past 4 yrs I was the leader a clan and got to learn a good deal on how to deal with these type of players and became a firm believer of 2nd chances..but also a believer that the game was meant to be fun. As an is hard to keep the balance of keeping the Old School players happy and keeping the new players in line.

As Kami says..please be patient.

If I may...we can create a section of forums for Ban requests..the way it would work is...Members would post the following..

Players Name:
Reason For Ban:

Requests would be reviewed by Clan leaders and/or Admins and decide the fate of the player.

This is something I used as Clan leader and was very helful. Also...having All Admins post their contact info is VERY HELPFULL.

Let me know what you think..Gracias Amigos!

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by Oldsparky »

I am not sure I agree with Tacos suggestion. I believe the admin should directly view the reason for the ban. I dont ban players on hear say, but hear say gets me to watch that particular player with a closer eye. I think back over the years and many players that other players wanted banned, and see many of them playing today on our servers, after some carefully applied correction and training using all the admin tools available. The one thing I remain firm on is the rules relating to profane or indecent names and language.

I think you younger players should quit worrying about the bad players and let the admins do their server control jobs. We move very slowly and deliberately. Just tell us the problem you are having and leave it up to us. Continuous complaining on the server, not only ruins the spirit of the game but is a bad reflection on the clan as a bunch of whiners. We have a large amount of admins that have played long enough to know when a permanant ban is called for. Do not slide to their level seeking revenge and begin making the same mistakes they are. I know its tempting after being shot off the map into a undeserved death. I like to summon them to the same demise. Let us beat up on them.

Everyone chill out and have fun, we will deal with the bad guys in due time.
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

I understand, it's just frustrating and getting to me. (Not only me.)
I don't feel like complaining on the server anymore, when someone starts doing bad things I will just leave and come back later.
It just got so bad these last few weeks, probably because it is summer no school for kids and from what I have heard some servers closed, which brought a lot of players that are used to servers that don't have rules. (Not that many servers have rules...)

It just suprises me with how many things some players can get away with.
Getting rid of their ban and just joining again, that is bad, that should be taken seriously, they are banned for a reason.

Going afk to get something, come back to find out someone shot you up into the air and fall to your death.
^ I'm not handing out any names but i'm pretty sure you all know who I mean.
^ This happens a lot, I asked this person to stop yet this person never does.

Some things (imo) should be taken a bit more serious, because these things how small they might even be, can drive some players away.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by Oldsparky »

Your quite right Minus, and yes the DOG clan members are taken seriously and frankly, I ignore most of the rest of the non-clan complaints. If you can't trust the clan members opinions, who can you trust. But I still think in the interest of fairness the admin should be present to invoke punishment on a player when the dirty deed is done. Multiple players play from the same computer and same ip at times and this creates additional banning problems. Players are banned by ip address and name. This is fine if their ip address remains constant, but many isp have dynamic ip addressing and a restart of the computer gets a new ip. The only choice then is to ban a range of ip addys that covers that isp, unfortunately that also bans anyone else in that range that plays on the server. This banning is not perfect by any means and can be circumvented my anyone with even a limited knowledge of ip addresses. But we need to remember the goal is to get players to play unreal and encourage the use of our servers by all the unreal community providing they follow a few simple rules.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by GoodOleTaco »

Played til about midnight last night...well behaved players..just had to ask Mr Braveheart_BP twice to ask before ending map....other then need to bring out the Full Power of THE SAUCE! :D :D :D
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by DaveAnd___ »

you need to apply a mac address filter - then you can stop their PC (well that specific network card) from entering the game.
Can you mac filter yet in uteam?

You can spoof this too, but - only a determined individual with - know how - would/could do this....
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

A quick screenshot of the console...
Player ))) shooting players and running maps.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by GoodOleTaco »

Was there an admin present? If so...what was done about it...If no admin present..did you attempt to contact one?

I created an Admin contact section but seems Im the only one that posted all my contact info...please feel free to contact me if you need assistance..

Im always checking my email...or you can find me in the MM Inf Server pretty much everyday in the evenings. 6:00-10:00 pm Pacific Standard Time.
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

There was no admin in.
))) is not always like this, most of the time he plays normally.
I guess someone else (maybe a brother or a sister etc) plays on it too.

I did not try to contact an admin but I will try next time, thanks.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by GoodOleTaco »

GoodOleTaco wrote:I'm on from 6:00 9m til 10:00 pm.
AIM: javiermorhy
Xfire: jmorhy
Steam: goodoletaco

or you can find me in the Monstar Mash Infiltration server.
Server IP
Here you contact info.

Can the other admins post their contact info here please>>> ... f=1&t=2236
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

Jesus under one of his many names, said something stereotype/racist. (Not the first time either.)
There where admins in the server yet they did not act, I am suprised racism is allowed.
I lost my cool because once again, Jesus is sticking his nose in things he has nothing to do with.
Lemon shot me I told him I did not like that, Jesus starts bitching at me.

Both guilty but he was pushing it, suprised he did not get booted or even banned.

Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by GoodOleTaco »

Did you bring this to the admin´s attention while it was happening?
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Re: Increase in bad players.

Post by W3RM(Woof) »

GoodOleTaco wrote:Did you bring this to the admin´s attention while it was happening?
Yes they knew what was happening.