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Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:44 am
by T_larson911
Hey, I have been working on an Unreal map for a little while and I was wondering exactly what the requirements are making a map for the server. I have been using UnrealEd 2.1 and I currently have Unreal Gold (227g). I was told that I could convert my map if needed.
I just need to know which version ( patch ) of Unreal I need to make a map. I have looked around the forums, tried to, and was not sure if i was finding the right information on making maps for the server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :) Thanks

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:39 pm
by T_larson911
Thanks beachbumguy :D

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:06 am
by Master_Unreal
I actually recommend mapping with 227g/227h as it is MUCH more stable and much more efficient than 225 mapping, here is what I do for map converting and this should work providing you do not use any 227 effects ( I think if you use them, they get lost in converting and dont show after conversion)

1. Export map (.t3d format)
2. Check all packages used (Ex. NaliCast.utx, AmbOutside.uax) Write/Record them down in notepad
3. Open the 225 editor
4. Open ALL packages that you took down in notepad, failure to do so will result in missing textures/missing sounds/missing stuff in general
5. Import your map
6. Save and Profit

It's pretty easy to check which packages you used, if you aren't sure just check your packages list, where you switch between pacakges (Might wanna check what packages are already opened before doing so)

Explaining it, it can sound like a long tedious process, but UEd 2.1 destroys the 225 editor, it hardly crashes at all, it has a lot of handy features.

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:02 pm
by £éè£å-(DOG)-
Sorry, I can't agree with this. When you want to make a map for a 225 server, then use Ued1 225 or 226 if you prefer that one. It's much easier to convert a map from 226 to 225. Use MC for it, or simply a hexeditor.
Exporting and importing a map, especially when it's very complex, is always a risk, there are many things which can go wrong. And also it's much more work. People have made maps with Ued1 for many, many years. It's a great editor and if you treat it right, you won't have much problems with it.

If you really need all this new stuff which has not much to do with original Unreal anymore, then maybe it's better to turn to newer games with all this funky stuff and effects.

For the 227 editor:
Old Unreal gamers maybe know very well, which effects belong to original Unreal and which are new in 227. But newer players who work with that editor can't really say which is original and what is new. IMO it was a bad mistake to add all the new effects in 227 to UnrealShare.u or UnrealI.u. Why not a new special u file for all the new effects? There would be much less problems.

For Gold users:
When you use Upak contents for your maps and you want them also to run on a 225 server, you have bad cards. That will not work.

PS: When you import a map, you must first rebuild it again or it will not work. And here you can get some bad surprises. Also you should check the alignment of all brushes when you imported a map from another editor.

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:04 am
by T_larson911
This is all good information. I will try to get 225 as soon as possible and try to convert my map also. Thanks Master_Unreal, £éè£å, and BeachBumGuy for your responses. :D

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:59 am
by T_larson911
I have finally got the 225 patch installed, but I have one more problem. I have UnrealEd 1 now and I would rather prefer to use UnrealEd 2 when making maps. I don't know how to switch to UnrealEd 2 while still using the 225 patch. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks

I have also been having problems when I run Unreal 225. The game would act like it's sped up then slow down. It's like the speed of the game jumps up really fast then goes back to normal speed. I don't know if it has to do with my CPU or what. :/

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:18 pm
by T_larson911
Thanks Rubicon, I have set my clock speed back to normal and the bugging has stopped. I'm installing the driver's as I type this message though, so hopefully everything goes as expected. :)

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:15 am
by Oldsparky
Making maps to run on the Newbies servers takes the unreal one editor. Making a map with Gold or 227 will not work here without major conversion problems. I get so many new maps offered made on Unrealgold.

The 225F version is the best to use to make maps for Newbies servers. However 225F makes a horrible client for playing unreal as a client. In My opinion 225F is the best and most secure server and that is what all newbies servers run. All types of Unreal can join a 225 server, its compatable with all but the anthology version which has to have patches to play on unreal on line servers anyway.

Version 225 does not have any upak in it. When gold is used you can convert maps to 225 but then if upak features were used it still wont run.

Use Old Unreal one that was released in 1998 and patch it to version 225 to make maps for us.

These are often available used on Ebay and other auction sites for a dollar or so.

After you acquire Unreal one you also need to install unreal editor patch 4 which is available in our downloads.

Everyone says unreal editor 2 is better but there are about 4000 maps in our downloads with 99% made with unreal editor one.

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:32 pm
by T_larson911
Thanks OldSparky. I have Unreal Editor 1 on 225f, so I guess I can start mapping now. :)

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:17 am
by Dieatls
Oldsparky wrote:Making maps to run on the Newbies servers takes the unreal one editor. Making a map with Gold or 227 will not work here without major conversion problems. I get so many new maps offered made on Unrealgold.
1. Unreal 225f is harder to get for now, when comes up newer versons.
2. Unreal 226 editor have some new options, like - Mover DelayTime, anyway its easier to work with, offcourse you can make on 226, but u need to know whats included in 225, exporting it make Mover with mover DelayTime works ok how I have tested.

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:02 pm
by DaveAnd___
And not forgetting you can use MC <map convert> tool to convert to 255.

It in the download section...

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:44 pm
by 3dtray-(DOG)-
hhhhmmmm iam lost now lol

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:57 pm
by Oldsparky
You always been lost. hehe

Re: Requirements for a new map.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:47 pm
by Minus
Oldsparky wrote:You always been lost. hehe
I was going to say that!