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Flex maps, cache and mis matches

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:25 pm
by Oldsparky
Will try to explain what is happening to some of you with mismatches. The server files link on the main page leads to a group of files. In there are flex maps and super cache files. If you install the flex maps and the small cache file, this will install over 1000 maps on your computer in the unreal folders. These are self-extracting zip files so they will go in the right folders unless you have done something strange during the install of the game cd, if this is the case select open with winzip and direct the files to the correct folders. This Flexmap method of installing maps will let you view and play the 1000+ maps off line. The flex maps are made from the server files themselves so mismatches should be few and far between, and I fix them when I am aware of them. If you install maps from other sources, other than flex maps, you may have mis match errors on the Newbies server. The way you fix this is to read the name of the file that is giving you the error and then with windows explorer find it and drag it out of the folder. Then you will download that file from the server when you join the server. The usual mismatches are textures and sounds or u files.

Now flex maps is pretty cool and a lot of work to build, but very easy for you the user to install.

The huge cache file you find, is another way to do the something to limit your downloads. I don't recommend that you do both the flex maps and super cache. The super cache will stop mismatches and will let you join the server and not fill your unreal game folders with Over 1000 map files. Another bonus is the cache is usable on other servers. You will not be able to view them or play them off line. The cache is made by me having a computer running with no maps installed and downloading all the server maps as they are played. I presently am playing off of the cache file, so I get updates when I install new maps on the server. I just uploaded a September update for the cache files overnight last night, so you should check for updates occasionally or be present on the server when new maps are played and download them from the server itself as this will update your cache files automatically. I am thinking of discontinuing Flex maps and just using the cache downloads. I need to know your feelings on this.

The maps in the entire map data base, if installed one at a time may cause file mistmatches. When I upload a new map to the server, I do not over write existing files in order to prevent new or future mismatches. This may mean I do not upload a modified texture in a map zip file that is on the map page. If you install and overwrite a texture file you will have a mismatch with what is installed on the server. If I did upload changed files to the server this will cause all players to have mismatches. This all goes on behind the scene constantly managing server and map page files, and it is a never ending problem and a lot of work. Hope this clears some of the confusion. :!: