| Scoreboard | Date | Featured Maps | Commands | Rules Single-Player Event | Rules Coop Event | Rules Challenge Event | Maps |
Greetings to all Unreal players!
NEWBIESPLAYGROUND has organised a special Single-Player, Coop and Challenge Event for our 2021 Unreal Contest. We would like to take this opportunity to invite all players to participate in the Contest and its 3 Events.
The NEWBIESPLAYGROUND Unreal Contest 2021 will be an ideal time for Unreal players to assemble and enjoy some sociable competition in a peaceful environment.
The main principle remains the same for any of the 3 Events in the Contest.
To finish first, the first objective is to stay alive.
Last update: Aug-22-2021 | 23:51
[Single-Player Event]
Rank Player Finished Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 Masterkent 3 100 0 0 00:13:50 100 2 [-{·E·}-]TommY-I 3 100 0 0 00:14:24 100 3 Javix-(DOG)- 3 100 0 0 00:15:42 100 4 strategy-(DOG)- 3 100 0 0 00:16:02 100 5 Nikola-(DOG)- 3 100 0 0 00:18:16 100 6 Kragorth-(DOG)- 3 100 0 0 00:18:54 100 7 Hellgast 3 100 0 0 00:21:38 100 7 VooDoo-(DOG)- 3 100 0 0 00:21:38 100 9 []M¡ss¡õnâry°° 3 100 0 0 00:23:39 100 10 PIG 3 100 0 0 00:23:47 100 11 waS95 3 100 0 0 00:25:01 100 12 AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- 3 100 0 0 00:35:36 100 13 Cold_fart 3 97 1 0 00:29:52 96 14 PMX-(DOG)- 3 98 5 14 00:59:13 79 15 x21-(DOG)- 3 94 12 11 01:03:06 71 16 F$zcY$tar-(DOG)- 3 89 18 13 01:06:00 58 Totals: 48 1578 36 38 07:46:58 1504 [Coop Event]
Rank Team Finished Frags Deaths Time Taken Score 1 Sigma 8 197 0 00:28:45 197 2 FlipFlops 8 197 0 00:33:39 197 3 smoked salmon 8 197 0 00:37:43 197 4 lemon, melon & the hog 8 197 1 00:37:22 196 5 WaterTitan 8 197 1 00:39:09 196 6 highrollers 8 197 3 00:33:44 194 7 the Woofers 8 197 3 00:34:45 194 8 Unbreakable 8 197 4 00:40:15 193 9 KartoffelnSalad 8 197 5 00:37:29 192 10 IbuprofenoTeam 8 197 5 00:39:26 192 11 TheDropBears 8 197 5 00:42:02 192 12 TheVortexRikers 8 197 5 00:44:08 192 13 FireTitan 8 197 6 00:32:41 191 14 OléTeam 8 197 6 00:45:39 191 15 PartyStarship 8 197 8 00:38:41 189 16 GuitarLovers 8 197 10 00:39:43 187 17 TortillaTeam 8 197 12 00:42:14 185 18 MiauSquad 8 197 13 00:41:10 184 19 ShockCombo 8 197 13 00:41:37 184 20 AllDead 8 197 15 00:42:35 182 21 QuesoTeam 8 197 18 00:50:13 179 22 Froesche 8 197 21 01:00:00 176 Totals: 176 4334 154 14:43:00 4180 [Challenge Event]
MAP: Passage
Rank Player Date Time Taken 1 Masterkent 8/10/21 00:01:52 2 waS95
3 Javix-(DOG)- 8/18/21 00:02:44 4 VooDoo-(DOG)- 8/12/21 00:02:46 5 strategy-(DOG)- 8/15/21 00:02:51 6 PIG 8/18/21 00:02:53 7 []M¡ss¡õnâry°° 8/10/21 00:03:10 8 Kragorth-(DOG)- 8/18/21 00:03:24 9 Hellgast 8/10/21 00:03:27 10 TLX 8/18/21 00:04:19 11 AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- 8/17/21 00:04:36 12 Nikola-(DOG)- 8/10/21 00:04:43 Totals: 00:39:09 MAP: Noork
Rank Player Date Time Taken 1 Masterkent 8/10/21 00:01:44 2 strategy-(DOG)- 8/15/21 00:02:04 3 Javix-(DOG)-
4 PIG 8/19/21 00:02:15 5 Hellgast 8/20/21 00:02:40 6 VooDoo-(DOG)- 8/14/21 00:02:44 6 waS95 8/20/21
00:02:44 8 Nikola-(DOG)- 8/10/21 00:03:09 9 []M¡ss¡õnâry°° 8/15/21 00:03:59 10 AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- 8/19/21
11 Kragorth-(DOG)- 8/17/21 00:04:38 Totals: 00:32:05 MAP: ISVDeck1
Rank Player Date Time Taken 1 Masterkent 8/21/21 00:05:54 2 strategy-(DOG)- 8/16/21 00:07:46 3 Javix-(DOG)-
4 waS95
Totals: 00:33:27 MAP: DCrater
Rank Player Date Time Taken 1 Masterkent 8/15/21 00:04:39 2 strategy-(DOG)- 8/15/21 00:06:58 3 waS95
Totals: 00:19:13 MAP: MPCrashSite
Rank Player Date Time Taken 1 Masterkent 8/14/21 00:01:09 2 [-{·E·}-]TommY-I 8/13/21 00:01:10 3 Javix-(DOG)-
4 VooDoo-(DOG)- 8/14/21 00:01:17 5 Hellgast 8/17/21 00:01:21 6 PIG 8/18/21 00:01:22 7 strategy-(DOG)- 8/19/21 00:01:23 8 waS95 8/20/21 00:01:30 9 Nikola-(DOG)- 8/16/21 00:01:41 10 Kragorth-(DOG)- 8/18/21 00:01:55 11 AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- 8/17/21 00:02:46 Totals: 00:16:48
[Details Single-Player Event]
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/16/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:03:40 8 2 1 8/16/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:07:25 64 3 1 8/16/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:02:45 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:13:50 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/15/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:03:36 8 2 1 8/15/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:07:54 64 3 1 8/15/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:02:54 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:14:24 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/10/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:05:57 8 2 1 8/10/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:12:18 64 3 1 8/10/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:05:24 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:23:39 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/15/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:04:50 8 2 1 8/15/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:11:25 64 3 1 8/15/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:05:23 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:21:28 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/09/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:06:01 8 2 1 8/09/21 SkyTown
63 0 0 00:14:35 63 3 1 8/09/21 MPGlathriel2
26 1 0 00:09:16 25 Totals 3 97 1 0 00:29:52 96
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/10/21 SpireVillage
8 5 2 00:16:16 1 2 1 8/10/21 SkyTown
58 3 9 00:28:56 46 3 1 8/10/21 MPGlathriel2
28 4 0 00:17:54 24 Totals 3 94 12 11 01:03:06 96
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/22/21 SpireVillage
8 5 1 00:15:15 2 2 1 8/22/21 SkyTown
54 3 11 00:30:23 40 3 1 8/22/21 MPGlathriel2
27 10 1 00:20:22 16 Totals 3 89 18 13 01:06:00 58
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/11/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:06:26 8 2 1 8/11/21 SkyTown
63 1 13 00:32:45 49 3 1 8/11/21 MPGlathriel2
27 4 1 00:20:02 22 Totals 3 98 5 14 00:59:13 79
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/19/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:03:51 8 2 1 8/19/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:08:51 64 3 1 8/19/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:03:20 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:16:02 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/12/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:04:24 8 2 1 8/12/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:09:50 64 3 1 8/12/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:04:02 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:18:16 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/21/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:03:39 8 2 1 8/21/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:08:45 64 3 1 8/21/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:03:18 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:15:42 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/15/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:04:53 8 2 1 8/15/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:10:48 64 3 1 8/15/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:05:57 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:21:38 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/15/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:05:10 8 2 1 8/15/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:09:33 64 3 1 8/15/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:04:11 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:18:54 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/20/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:09:37 8 2 1 8/20/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:17:14 64 3 1 8/20/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:09:05 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:35:36 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/20/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:06:34 8 2 1 8/20/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:11:29 64 3 1 8/20/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:06:58 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:25:01 100
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Penalties Time Taken Score 1 1 8/22/21 SpireVillage
8 0 0 00:04:34 8 2 1 8/22/21 SkyTown
64 0 0 00:12:33 64 3 1 8/22/21 MPGlathriel2
28 0 0 00:06:40 28 Totals 3 100 0 0 00:23:47 100
[Details Coop Event]
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: [-{·E·}-]LuCäSØ | [-{·E·}-]XaeroreaX | [-{·E·}-]TommY-I 1 1 8/21/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:05:22 28 2 1 8/21/21 Ruins
45 0 00:05:39 45 3 1 8/21/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:02:45 21 4 1 8/21/21 DCrater
29 0 00:04:03 29 5 1 8/21/21 ExtremeGen
16 0 00:03:29 16 6 1 8/21/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:02 14 7 1 8/21/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:01 4 8 1 8/21/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:04:24 40 Totals 8 197 0 00:28:45 197
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Nikola-(DOG)- | Hellgast | x21-(DOG)- 1 1 8/09/21 Ceremony
28 2 00:07:09 26 2 1 8/09/21 Ruins
45 2 00:10:31 43 3 1 8/09/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:56 21 4 1 8/09/21 DCrater
29 5 00:06:12 24 5 1 8/09/21 ExtremeGen
16 5 00:03:24 11 6 1 8/09/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:59 14 7 1 8/09/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:15 4 8 1 8/09/21 MPNaliC2
40 1 00:07:09 39 Totals 8 197 15 00:42:35 182
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Nikola-(DOG)- | Hellgast | harddrive-(DOG)- 1 1 8/15/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:26 28 2 1 8/15/21 Ruins
45 0 00:08:04 45 3 1 8/15/21 SkyCaves
21 1 00:03:47 20 4 1 8/15/21 DCrater
29 3 00:05:51 26 5 1 8/15/21 ExtremeGen
16 3 00:03:00 13 6 1 8/15/21 MPNagomiSun
14 2 00:03:11 12 7 1 8/15/21 MPGlacena
4 3 00:02:34 1 8 1 8/15/21 MPNaliC2
40 1 00:07:17 39 Totals 8 197 13 00:41:10 184
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Nikola-(DOG)- | Hellgast | VooDoo-(DOG)- 1 1 8/16/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:13 28 2 1 8/16/21 Ruins
45 0 00:08:16 45 3 1 8/16/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:33 20 4 1 8/16/21 DCrater
29 1 00:05:35 28 5 1 8/16/21 ExtremeGen
16 0 00:03:06 16 6 1 8/16/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:03:11 14 7 1 8/16/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:52 4 8 1 8/16/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:06:23 40 Totals 8 197 1 00:39:09 196
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- | VooDoo-(DOG)- | strategy-(DOG)- 1 1 8/19/21 Ceremony
28 2 00:09:09 26 2 1 8/19/21 Ruins
45 0 00:08:32 45 3 1 8/19/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:37 21 4 1 8/19/21 DCrater
29 5 00:06:34 24 5 1 8/19/21 ExtremeGen
16 5 00:03:53 11 6 1 8/19/21 MPNagomiSun
14 1 00:02:18 13 7 1 8/19/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:37 4 8 1 8/19/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:05:57 40 Totals 8 197 13 00:41:37 184
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Nikola-(DOG)- | AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- | Hellgast 1 1 8/19/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:06:57 28 2 1 8/19/21 Ruins
45 1 00:09:24 44 3 1 8/19/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:28 21 4 1 8/19/21 DCrater
29 0 00:05:13 29 5 1 8/19/21 ExtremeGen
16 1 00:03:26 15 6 1 8/19/21 MPNagomiSun
14 1 00:02:29 13 7 1 8/19/21 MPGlacena
4 1 00:01:53 3 8 1 8/19/21 MPNaliC2
40 1 00:06:36 39 Totals 8 197 5 00:39:26 192
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: VooDoo-(DOG)- | Nikola-(DOG)- | strategy-(DOG)- 1 1 8/19/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:06:24 28 2 1 8/19/21 Ruins
45 0 00:07:12 45 3 1 8/19/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:02:53 21 4 1 8/19/21 DCrater
29 1 00:05:35 28 5 1 8/19/21 ExtremeGen
16 1 00:03:52 15 6 1 8/19/21 MPNagomiSun
14 1 00:02:21 13 7 1 8/19/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:25 4 8 1 8/19/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:05:03 40 Totals 8 197 3 00:34:45 194
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Kragorth-(DOG)- | Nikola-(DOG)- | strategy-(DOG)- 1 1 8/19/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:05:50 28 2 1 8/19/21 Ruins
45 0 00:07:51 45 3 1 8/19/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:02:46 21 4 1 8/19/21 DCrater
29 2 00:04:59 27 5 1 8/19/21 ExtremeGen
16 0 00:02:53 16 6 1 8/19/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:33 14 7 1 8/19/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:13 4 8 1 8/19/21 MPNaliC2
40 1 00:05:39 39 Totals 8 197 3 00:33:44 194
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Nikola-(DOG)- | strategy-(DOG)- | VooDoo-(DOG)- 1 1 8/19/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:05:28 28 2 1 8/19/21 Ruins
45 0 00:06:31 45 3 1 8/19/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:02:47 20 4 1 8/19/21 DCrater
29 0 00:05:18 29 5 1 8/19/21 ExtremeGen
16 0 00:02:57 16 6 1 8/19/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:51 14 7 1 8/19/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:35 4 8 1 8/19/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:06:12 40 Totals 8 197 0 00:33:39 197
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: PIG | strategy-(DOG)- | Nikola-(DOG)- 1 1 8/19/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:06:47 28 2 1 8/19/21 Ruins
45 0 00:09:48 45 3 1 8/19/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:38 20 4 1 8/19/21 DCrater
29 1 00:05:22 28 5 1 8/19/21 ExtremeGen
16 0 00:03:08 16 6 1 8/19/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:23 14 7 1 8/19/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:06 4 8 1 8/19/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:05:10 40 Totals 8 197 1 00:37:22 196
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: []M¡ss¡õnâry°° | Kragorth-(DOG)- | Nikola-(DOG)- 1 1 8/19/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:24 28 2 1 8/19/21 Ruins
45 1 00:10:17 44 3 1 8/19/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:02:37 21 4 1 8/19/21 DCrater
29 2 00:06:19 27 5 1 8/19/21 ExtremeGen
16 1 00:03:12 15 6 1 8/19/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:03:05 14 7 1 8/19/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:16 4 8 1 8/19/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:06:05 40 Totals 8 197 4 00:40:15 193
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: VooDoo-(DOG)- | Javix-(DOG)- | Hellgast 1 1 8/20/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:06:37 28 2 1 8/20/21 Ruins
45 0 00:12:45 45 3 1 8/20/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:11 21 4 1 8/20/21 DCrater
29 16 00:09:52 13 5 1 8/20/21 ExtremeGen
16 1 00:03:44 15 6 1 8/20/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:55 14 7 1 8/20/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:02:01 4 8 1 8/20/21 MPNaliC2
40 1 00:09:08 39 Totals 8 197 18 00:50:13 179
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Javix-(DOG)- | Nikola-(DOG)- | PIG 1 1 8/20/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:05:27 28 2 1 8/20/21 Ruins
45 0 00:06:58 45 3 1 8/20/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:06 21 4 1 8/20/21 DCrater
29 3 00:05:19 26 5 1 8/20/21 ExtremeGen
16 3 00:03:18 13 6 1 8/20/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:46 14 7 1 8/20/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:38 4 8 1 8/20/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:04:09 40 Totals 8 197 6 00:32:41 191
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: VooDoo-(DOG)- | PIG | Nikola-(DOG)- 1 1 8/20/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:05:42 28 2 1 8/20/21 Ruins
45 1 00:08:47 44 3 1 8/20/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:03 21 4 1 8/20/21 DCrater
29 5 00:05:24 24 5 1 8/20/21 ExtremeGen
16 1 00:04:33 15 6 1 8/20/21 MPNagomiSun
14 1 00:02:19 13 7 1 8/20/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:40 4 8 1 8/20/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:07:13 40 Totals 8 197 8 00:38:41 189
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- | Kragorth-(DOG)- | VooDoo-(DOG)- 1 1 8/21/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:46 28 2 1 8/21/21 Ruins
45 0 00:08:44 45 3 1 8/21/21 SkyCaves
21 1 00:04:10 20 4 1 8/21/21 DCrater
29 0 00:07:11 29 5 1 8/21/21 ExtremeGen
16 3 00:03:52 13 6 1 8/21/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:03:39 14 7 1 8/21/21 MPGlacena
4 1 00:01:47 3 8 1 8/21/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:06:59 40 Totals 8 197 5 00:44:08 192
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- | PIG | waS95 1 1 8/21/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:58 28 2 1 8/21/21 Ruins
45 1 00:09:23 44 3 1 8/21/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:19 21 4 1 8/21/21 DCrater
29 2 00:04:47 27 5 1 8/21/21 ExtremeGen
16 2 00:04:12 14 6 1 8/21/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:03:30 14 7 1 8/21/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:36 4 8 1 8/21/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:07:17 40 Totals 8 197 5 00:42:02 192
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Javix-(DOG)- | Hellgast | strategy-(DOG)- 1 1 8/21/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:25 28 2 1 8/21/21 Ruins
45 0 00:07:50 45 3 1 8/21/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:40 21 4 1 8/21/21 DCrater
29 3 00:07:50 26 5 1 8/21/21 ExtremeGen
16 5 00:02:57 11 6 1 8/21/21 MPNagomiSun
14 1 00:03:09 13 7 1 8/21/21 MPGlacena
4 1 00:01:51 3 8 1 8/21/21 MPNaliC2
40 2 00:07:32 38 Totals 8 197 12 00:42:14 185
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Hellgast | VooDoo-(DOG)- | Pleyar4 1 1 8/21/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:11 28 2 1 8/21/21 Ruins
45 2 00:10:18 43 3 1 8/21/21 SkyCaves
21 1 00:04:20 20 4 1 8/21/21 DCrater
29 1 00:07:21 28 5 1 8/21/21 ExtremeGen
16 2 00:02:33 14 6 1 8/21/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:03:47 14 7 1 8/21/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:02:01 4 8 1 8/21/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:08:08 40 Totals 8 197 6 00:45:39 191
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: PIG | Javix-(DOG)- | AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- 1 1 8/21/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:06:34 28 2 1 8/21/21 Ruins
45 0 00:07:56 45 3 1 8/21/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:05 21 4 1 8/21/21 DCrater
29 0 00:05:56 29 5 1 8/21/21 ExtremeGen
16 0 00:04:05 16 6 1 8/21/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:59 14 7 1 8/21/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:41 4 8 1 8/21/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:05:27 40 Totals 8 197 0 00:37:43 197
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Mia (8 years old!) | Nikola-(DOG)- | Hellgast 1 1 8/22/21 Ceremony
28 5 00:11:35 23 2 1 8/22/21 Ruins
45 0 00:12:59 45 3 1 8/22/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:04:50 21 4 1 8/22/21 DCrater
29 7 00:08:58 22 5 1 8/22/21 ExtremeGen
16 2 00:04:15 14 6 1 8/22/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:04:06 14 7 1 8/22/21 MPGlacena
4 2 00:02:51 2 8 1 8/22/21 MPNaliC2
40 5 00:10:26 35 Totals 8 197 21 01:00:00 176
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Hellgast | Nikola-(DOG)- | AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- 1 1 8/22/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:07:07 28 2 1 8/22/21 Ruins
45 1 00:07:23 44 3 1 8/22/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:02:58 21 4 1 8/22/21 DCrater
29 1 00:05:27 18 5 1 8/22/21 ExtremeGen
16 1 00:03:29 15 6 1 8/22/21 MPNagomiSun
14 1 00:02:54 13 7 1 8/22/21 MPGlacena
4 0 00:01:33 4 8 1 8/22/21 MPNaliC2
40 1 00:06:38 39 Totals 8 197 5 00:37:29 192
# Finished Date Map Frags Deaths Time Taken Score TEAM-Members: Javix-(DOG)- | Nikola-(DOG)- | AndréRhineDavis-(DOG)- 1 1 8/22/21 Ceremony
28 0 00:06:16 28 2 1 8/22/21 Ruins
45 1 00:07:57 44 3 1 8/22/21 SkyCaves
21 0 00:03:33 21 4 1 8/22/21 DCrater
29 6 00:07:21 23 5 1 8/22/21 ExtremeGen
16 2 00:03:33 14 6 1 8/22/21 MPNagomiSun
14 0 00:02:19 14 7 1 8/22/21 MPGlacena
4 1 00:01:36 3 8 1 8/22/21 MPNaliC2
40 0 00:07:08 40 Totals 8 197 10 00:39:43 187 [TOP]
- 9th of August to 22nd of August 2021 – Single-Player Event
- 9th of August to 22nd of August 2021 – Coop Event
- 9th of August to 22nd of August 2021 – Challenge Event
Starting on the 9th of August, everyone who wants to join the Contest may visit any of the
NEWBIESPLAYGROUND.NET -(DOG)- SP CONTEST servers: ( [1] / [2] / [3] ), the
NEWBIESPLAYGROUND.NET -(DOG)- COOP CONTEST servers: ( [1] / [2] / [3] ) and the
The servers are online and Trial-Matches (practice) can be run by using the console command TRIALMATCH on the Contest’s SP and Coop servers. There is also a TRAINING Server to explore all maps, which features all Single-Player, Coop and Challenge maps
Featured Maps
Single-Player Event:
- SPIREVILLAGE (SpireVillage)
- SKYTOWN (Na Pali Haven)
- MPGLATHRIEL2 (MP Glathriel Village)
Coop Event:
- CEREMONY (The Ceremonial Chambers)
- RUINS (Temple of Vandora)
- SKYCAVES (Gateway To Na Pali)
- DCRATER (DemonCrater)
- EXTREMEGEN (Skaarj Generator)
- MPNAGOMISUN (MP Nagomi Passage)
- MPGLACENA (MP Watcher of the Skies)
- MPNALIC2 (MP Escape from Na Pali)
Challenge Event:
- PASSAGE (Sacred Passage)
- NOORK (Noork’s Elbow)
- DCRATER (DemonCrater)
- MPCRASHSITE (MP Approaching UMS Prometheus)
When you join the server, you automatically become an observer. Players can start their match if no Admin is present at the server by using a console command. The server will record the match statistics.
TrialMatch – [ContestSP]
This command starts a trial (practice) Single-Player match, the executor becomes the participant.StartMatch – [ContestSP]
This command starts a Single-Player contest match, the executor becomes the participant (can be used only by the participant or an Admin)TerminateMatch – [ContestSP Trial]
This command terminates the current trial (practice) match and can only be used by the participant or an Admin).Challenge MAPNAME – [Challenge]
This command starts a Challenge match on the specified map, the executor becomes the participant. This command only applies to the Contest’s Challenge Event.
[Single-Player Event]
The Single-Player (SP) event is a competition between individual players who fight against mobs. Each participant plays a distinct match on a special server. During a Single-Player event match, only the participant can fight against mobs, the other people observe the game as spectators. The participant has to finish the sequence of maps within defined time limits, kill as many mobs as possible, and avoid dying – the participant is respawned after dying, but each death reduces the player’s score by 1. The duration of the match is limited and may serve as a tie-breaker.
Each participant is allowed as may attempts of a contest match (STARTMATCH) as they wish on any of the 3 SP CONTEST servers.
The difficulty level is 3, the gameplay is nearly the same as if when using game type UnrealShare.CoopGame without any mods. All modifications are either bug-fixes or changes implied by the rules described below. Every Player can do as many trial matches (TRIALMATCH) as he/she wishes. This depends on server-capacity and other players, because a STARTMATCH has priority over a TRIALMATCH.
1. Score and ranking of players
1.1. When players finish their matches, they are sorted by their ranks. Players with the highest rank become winners (there will be only one winner, unless two or more top players get the same rank). The higher rank between two players is defined as follows:
- if two players have finished different number of maps, then the one with higher number of finished maps has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, if two players have different score, then the one with higher score has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, if two players died different number of times, then the one with less number of deaths has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, if two players have different total game duration, then the one, whose game duration is shorter, has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, the players have the same rank.
1.2. A map can be finished only by reaching its exit.
1.3. A mob is a ScriptedPawn that can attack and injure players; other Pawns (e.g. BiterFish, Cow, Nali, NaliRabbit) are not considered to be mobs.
1.4. Score is calculated as follows. Unless otherwise stated, when a mob dies (regardless of the cause of death), the score of the player is incremented by 1. When a GiantGasBag or any its child GasBag dies, the score of the player is incremented by 1 only if there are no more any alive pawns in the set consisting of the parent GiantGasBag and all its children; otherwise, the score is not changed.
When the player dies, the score of the player is decremented by 1. Whenever a new point of overtime penalty is assigned, the score of the player is decremented by 1.
1.5. All deaths are considered as happening in a particular order, even when two or more deaths take place during the same game engine tick, so two or more deaths are never processed as happening simultaneously. Before Pawn’s death is processed, the Pawn is considered as still alive.
1.6. The number of kills indicated on the in-game scoreboard reflects only those kills which increment the score. The potentially possible number of kills indicated after the slash / is guaranteed to be less than or equal to the maximal possible number of kills which may increment the score.
2. Time limits
There is a time limit for each map. If time limit is reached, then overtime is assigned. Every minute in overtime results in penalty of 1 point (a penalty is assigned whenever a new overtime minute starts). For example, if overtime duration is 00:03:17, the overtime penalty for the given map is 4 points. Maximal duration of overtime for a single map is 15 minutes. If that 15 minute limit is reached, then the match ends for the given participant and the current map is not counted as finished.3. Contents of maps
Each map includes the same set of actors (enemies, inventory, decorations, etc) as if it could include when using game type UnrealShare.CoopGame without mods. If an actor initially has odds of appearing more than 0% and less than 100%, its odds of appearing is adjusted to 100%. Some actors may appear at random locations (following the classic rules). If a destructible decoration has a content, the content is guaranteed to be the same in all matches; if the content might be either a Pawn or a non-Pawn, it is guaranteed to be a Pawn in all matches.4. Health and inventory management
4.1. The participant starts to play with 100 health points (HP), having only DispersionPistol and Translator. If the participant dies, all collected inventory is removed. After respawning, the participant has 100 HP, DispersionPistol, and Translator. When the participant enters other level, the player has the same health and inventory set as when ending the previous level.4.2. Weapons, that lie on a map and were not dropped by the player or mobs, are respawned quickly, other kinds of inventory are not respawned.
5. Disconnection and reconnection
5.1. Whenever the participant disconnects from the server, the game is paused. If total duration of pauses exceeds 30 minutes during the match, admins may terminate the match.
5.2. If the participant reconnects to the server and enters the game, then health, inventory set, location, and velocity of the player are restored to the latest ones when the player was in game.
[Coop Event]
The Coop event is a competition between teams which are supposed to fight against mobs. Each team consists of 3 players and plays a distinct match on a special server. During a Coop match, only members of the team (participants) can fight against mobs, while other people can observe the game as spectators. The team should finish the prepared sequence of maps within defined time limits, kill as many mobs as possible, and avoid dying. The duration of the match is limited and may serve as a tie-breaker.
Each participant is allowed as may attempts of a contest match (STARTMATCH) as they wish on any of the 3 COOP CONTEST servers.
Participants who died will be respawned and have the right to play again.
The sequence of maps is:
CEREMONY (The Ceremonial Chambers) (Time limit: 20 minutes)
RUINS (Temple of Vandora) (Time limit: 20 minutes)
SKYCAVES (Gateway To Na Pali) (Time limit: 15 minutes)
DCRATER (DemonCrater) (Time limit: 15 minutes)
EXTREMEGEN (Skaarj Generator) (Time limit: 15 minutes)
MPNAGOMISUN (MP Nagomi Passage) (Time limit: 15 minutes)
MPGLACENA (MP Watcher of the Skies) (Time limit: 10 minutes)
MPNALIC2 (MP Escape from Na Pali) (Time limit: 20 minutes)
The difficulty level is 3, the gameplay is nearly the same as if when using game type UnrealShare.CoopGame without any mods. All modifications are either bug-fixes or changes implied by the rules described below.
1. Score and ranking of teams
1.1. When teams finish their matches, they are sorted by their ranks. Teams with the highest rank become winners (there will be only one winner team, unless two or more top teams get the same rank). The higher rank between two teams is defined as follows:
- if two teams have finished different number of maps, then the one with higher number of finished maps has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, if two teams have different score, then the one with higher score has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, if two teams have different number of deaths of their members, then the one with less number of deaths has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, if two teams have different total game duration, then the one, whose game duration is shorter, has higher rank than the other;
- otherwise, the teams have the same rank.
1.2. A map can be finished only in two ways:
– a participant reaches an exit when all other participants with right to vote to end indicated that they are ready to end (either by reaching an exit or by executing console command “VoteEnd”), or
– time limit is reached after any participant reached an exit.1.3. A mob is a ScriptedPawn that can attack and injure players; other Pawns (e.g. BiterFish, Cow, Nali, NaliRabbit) are not considered to be mobs.
1.4. Score is calculated as follows. Unless otherwise stated, when a mob dies (regardless of the cause of death), the score of the team is incremented by 1. When a GiantGasBag or any its child GasBag dies, the score of the team is incremented by 1 only if there are no more any alive pawns in the set consisting of the parent GiantGasBag and all its children; otherwise, the score is not changed.
When a player dies, the score of the team is decremented by 1.
Individual score of each player within a particular map is calculated a bit differently, it’s supposed to approximately indicate the contribution to the overall progress of the team and has no any influence on ranking.
1.5. All deaths are considered as happening in a particular order, even when two or more deaths take place during the same game engine tick, so two or more deaths are never processed as happening simultaneously. Before Pawn’s death is processed, the Pawn is considered as still alive.
1.6. The number of kills indicated on the in-game scoreboard reflects only those kills which increment the score. The potentially possible number of kills indicated after the slash / is guaranteed to be less than or equal to the maximal possible number of kills which may increment the score.
2. Time limits
There is a time limit for each map. If time limit is reached while no member of the team reached an exit yet, then the match ends for the given team and the current map is not counted as finished (there is no overtime). If time limit is reached after any member of the team reached an exit, the map is finished as if by reaching an exit with 100% votes for ending (finishing this way is possible regardless of whether the players, who reached an exit, are alive or present in the game at the moment of reaching the time limit).
3. Contents of maps
3.1. Each map includes the same set of actors (enemies, inventory, decorations, etc) as if it could include when using game type UnrealShare.CoopGame without mods. The maps prefixed by MP were created by a third party, they are modified versions of the original Return to Na Pali maps. The contents of an MP-prefixed map may noticeably differ from the similar map in the original campaign. The inventory that players could find on MP-prefixed maps may also work differently than the similar inventory from UPak.
3.2. If an actor initially has odds of appearing more than 0% and less than 100%, its odds of appearing is adjusted to 100%. Some actors may appear at random locations (following the classic rules). If a destructible decoration has a content, the content is guaranteed to be the same in all matches; if the content might be either a Pawn or a non-Pawn, it is guaranteed to be a Pawn in all matches.
4. Health and inventory management
4.1. Initially all participants have empty reserved inventory sets. Initial health and initial inventory set of a player who enters a level with empty reserved inventory set are 100 health points (HP) and the default inventory set correspondingly. Initial health and inventory set of a player who enters a level with a non-empty reserved inventory set are the reserved health and the reserved inventory set of the player correspondingly. If a participant dies, the reserved inventory set of the participant becomes empty. When players finish a level, reserved health and reserved inventory set of each alive player become equal to the current health and inventory set of the player correspondingly.
The default inventory set consists of DispersionPistol and Translator.
4.2. Weapons, that lie on a map and were not dropped by players or mobs, are respawned quickly; other kinds of inventory are not respawned.
5. Disconnection, reconnection, and idle players
5.1. Whenever no participants remain connected to the server, the game is paused. If total duration of pauses exceeds 30 minutes during the match, admins may terminate the match.
5.2. If a participant reconnects to the server and enters the game, then health, inventory set, location, and velocity of the player are restored to the registered latest ones when the player was in game.
5.3. If a participant, who has right to play, is idle for more than 60 seconds or is not connected to the server, then other player who lost the right to play (due to dying) may return to the game and replace the former participant by pressing any movement button. The replacement implies exchanging health and inventory set between the players. If the replaced player entered the game on the current level before, then the replacement also implies assigning the last registered location and velocity of the replaced player to the other player. A replaced player with no deaths on the current level can replace a player who died on the current level.
6. Friendly fire
Every damage and damage momentum coming from teammates are inhibited. Members of a team cannot directly injure or kill each other.
[Challenge Event]
The Challenge Event is a single-player-only event for competition between individual players who are supposed to fight against mobs. Each participant plays a distinct match on a special server. During a Challenge match, only the participant can fight against mobs, while other people can observe the game as spectators. The Challenge Event follows exactly the same rules as the SP event with the exception of what is described below.
The selection of prepared maps are played in isolation and not in a sequence, unlike the Single-Player and Coop event. A player may participate in as many of these prepared maps as they wish (1,2,3,4 or all 5 maps).
To initiate a Challenge match, the player simply issues the command CHALLENGE [MAPNAME] in the console.
The time limit for any given map is much stricter (shorter) than in the SP/COOP events and the participant should finish any given map within this defined time limit, else the match is immediately terminated when this time limit is reached. The participant also has to kill all the mobs to register a time and does not have the right to be respawned after dying – the match is immediately terminated after death. The participant’s fastest time will be recorded for each individual map.
The selection of maps is:
PASSAGE (Sacred Passage) (Time limit: 6 minutes)
NOORK (Noork’s Elbow) (Time limit: 6 minutes)
ISVDECK1 (ISVDECK1) (Time limit: 12 minutes)
DCRATER (DemonCrater) (Time limit: 10 minutes)
MPCRASHSITE (MP Approaching UMS Prometheus) (Time limit: 5 minutes)