GAMESERVER update: Patch Beta 227k 64bit – Build: Dec-12-2023

All NEWBIESPLAYGROUND GAMESERVERS are patched to Beta 227k 64bit – Build: Dec-12-2023
If you use any 227k client-version, please make sure to patch your gameinstallation to the latest build.
If you should encounter any problems, please report to us! Thank you!

New Map Sequel Csejte

We are happy to offer you a continuation of the story of the Csejte Map series on all our Servers.
recovered maps to definitely try out, have fun and good luck!
Thanks go to Delacroix who put a lot of time into this to get his hands on these Maps!

New modded Map

Uploaded a modded Map to all NewbiesPlayGround Servers
Check it Out !!

2 New Maps Created by Ron

Received today 2 maps from Ron
added them to Rotation from Servers
check them out !

Last map from Sequel by Ron

New Map from Ron has been uploaded to our servers
The last from a sequel from 3 maps.
MapName : 3JonhSP.unr
THX Ron !!

New Map from Ron

New Map from Ron has been uploaded to our servers
a sequel from map 1Jonhsp.unr
MapName : 2JonhSP.unr
THX Ron !!

New MonsterHunt Map

A brand new map has been uploaded to our servers
Map made by our Friend Pleyar4 !
It is a massif huge map with tons monster to kill 🙂
Mapname : MH-[SP]-MomentofTruth.unr
Check it out and have fun !!!

Another New Map from Ron

A new map has been uploaded to the servers

Map made by our friend Ron

Mapname : Ron_Deepdive2.unr

Check it out !

New map from Ron

A new map has been uploaded to the servers

Map made by our friend Ron

Mapname : Ron_Deepdive.unr

Check it out !

GAMESERVER update: Patch Beta 227k 64bit – Build: Aug-08-2023

All NEWBIESPLAYGROUND GAMESERVERS are patched to Beta 227k 64bit – Build: Aug-08-2023
If you use any 227k client-version, please make sure to patch your gameinstallation to the latest build.
If you should encounter any problems, please report to us! Thank you!