New map from Ron

A new map has been uploaded to the servers

Map made by our friend Ron

Mapname : Ron_Deepdive.unr

Check it out !

GAMESERVER update: Patch Beta 227k 64bit – Build: Aug-08-2023

All NEWBIESPLAYGROUND GAMESERVERS are patched to Beta 227k 64bit – Build: Aug-08-2023
If you use any 227k client-version, please make sure to patch your gameinstallation to the latest build.
If you should encounter any problems, please report to us! Thank you!

Relics on Advanced Coop Server

Relics Mutator on the Advanced Coop Server

Relic: Defense,A magical relic that prevents 60% of all damage sustained by the user

Relic: Redemption,This mysterious artifact will bind to your soul, saving you from death

Relic: Regen,A magical relic that imparts the ability to gain 5 health every second

Relic: Speed,A magical relic that imparts superhuman speed and reflexes

Relic: Strength,A magical relic that imparts a great increase in damage

Relic: Vengeance,This relic will punish those who wish to slay you

New MonsterHunt Map

Added to all server a new fresh made Map  from Aspide


This map runs as UT map on the Unreal Servers Check it Out !

WTF Compilation

Map added to every server from NewbiesPlayground.

Because I did liked the idea ( wtf serie ) from Shivaxi all Credits go to him !

Those maps did caused many troubles on the servers I did make a compilation from  wtf1.unr , wtf2.unr , wtf2dark.unr and wtf3 to only  1 map called WTF-NPF.unr.

Because the Startmap “wtf.unr”  is into such bad state I’m unable to use this part for adding it also to this compilation. I hope it maybe fun…  🙂

Check it out !!!

Hail To The King 2023

Hail To The King 2023!

June 25th will mark the 9th anniversary of OldSparky-(DOG)-‘s passing!

To honour and celebrate his legacy, we would like to invite all players of the Unreal community to join us for a KING OF THE HILL event on OldSparky’s favorite server:


DATE: June, 25th 2023
TIME: Start: 4.00 pm UTC (6.00 pm CET / 1.00 pm EST) – open ended finish!

It would be great to see you all for some frags and have some fun in the tradition of honouring the memory of OldSparky-(DOG)-! WOOF!

The -(DOG)- clan

1 Map added to The Servers

Map added Exploring1_NPF  made by Diamond ( Mod fixes by Rubie )

Check it Out !  🙂

New Maps Uploaded to all Servers !

Uploaded 2 maps on all Servers edited/modified for CoopPlay

Badcargo-NPF ( a map by Mr. Blowtatoes  , modified so it is playable )
10ronbr_NPF (map was missing on the Servers due bad state, fixed it )


New Maps added to all Coop-Servers

Uploaded a couples maps edited/modified for CoopPlay

NPW-Mine-NPF by MyTH (modded by Rubie ) nice map!
5ronbr-NPF  by Ron (modded by Rubie ) modified Lightning
6ronbr-NPF  by Ron (modded by Rubie )this map was excluded from server before due bad state
LostInTime-NPF by Derdak2rot (modded by Rubie ) removed MH stuff
LandofExternalSunset-NPF by Lady Hyperion (modded by Rubie ) removed MH stuff


New Maps Uploaded to all Servers

Uploaded a couples maps edited/modified for CoopPlay

NPW-Mine-NPF by MyTH (modded by Rubie ) nice map!

5ronbr-NPF  by Ron (modded by Rubie ) modified Lightning

6ronbr-NPF  by Ron (modded by Rubie )this map was excluded from server before due bad state

LostInTime-NPF by Derdak2rot (modded by Rubie ) removed MH stuff

LandofExternalSunset-NPF by Lady Hyperion (modded by Rubie ) removed MH stuff